country marketing, country promotion, association business, country representation, lead generation

country marketing, country promotion, association business, country representation, lead generation

country marketing, country promotion, association business, country representation, lead generation country marketing, country promotion, association business, country representation, lead generation

Fast and easy country comparison

Representing a country and having a broad focus on all different markets can be a challenging and time consuming task. Every market needs a different approach. You balance between government strategies and the vision of local municipalities. How can an organization representing a country contribute to the different target market per destination? How do you keep your partners engaged? How can you help to increase the amount of congresses from the association market? And how can you measure if what you are doing is successful?

Your country might have a lot of interesting ecosystems that can overlap. These ecosystems may vary significantly from one another. How and where do you promote these ecosystems? Have you ever consider how organizers compare country information during the destination selection process? Is there a way to easily compare destinations to each other?

We have the solution for you, at Conferli you can present your country in one page. You can promote the destinations with a strong focus on the association market, present the ecosystems of the country, share country intelligence, pictures, references and videos, but also have the option to measure the return on investment by seeing which RFPs are coming into your destinations.

Promote your country and help the association organizer to find their way to your country and the destination of their choice.

Conferli offers you:

Advanced Country Profile

Extensive profile where you can update different parameters, pictures, references, etc.

Benchmark Data

Control your country’s benchmark data, so they are as accurate as possible.

Insights in city statistics

See which RFP’s go into the destinations of your country.

Country Awareness

Marketing support on Social Media, email marketing and market studies.

Watch how country matching works

Still unsure how to benefit from it, we've got you covered with this short demo. Watch how associations can learn more about your country and decide on the destination that services their needs. See how it is done!

See how it is done!

Want to find out how the platform
can benefit your country?
Talk to one of us.

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Nienke van der Malen

Nienke van der Malen

CEO & Founder
Bregje Frens

Bregje Frens

Association Director
Conferli Country Promotion

Conferli was created due to the strong belief that there is

a way to make the life of an association event planner much easier.

Besides offering our matchmaking platform we offer consultancy services to convention bureaus,

venues, municipalities and associations.

You can now bring on board our extensive experience in

Conferli matches association conferences with cities, countries and venues.

Use the platform for your conference planning and destination & venue finding.

It cuts your lead time, increases success rate and makes your tender process easy and fast.

Find out how our data-driven benchmarking can kick-start your event!

Get inspired for your next event, by seeing which cities or countries match the criteria

Planning a conference or an association event can be a challenge.