Maastricht is Reshaping Event Planning: Local Convention Bureaus Leading the Way in Sustainable Practices

Published November 14th, 2023

In an age where sustainability is at the forefront of global concerns, every industry is being called upon to embrace eco-friendly practices, and the events industry is no exception. Associations want to know upfront how sustainable a destination is before choosing their next destination.

More and more event organizers are asking about cities sustainability policies and what the local convention bureau is actively doing to reduce the environmental impact of events. CVB’s can play a pivotal role in advancing sustainability within the world of events, telling a city’s story in a way that reflects all the ongoing efforts.

But with 17 global goals, where do you start and where can you make the most impact? Despite good intentions, it can be quite a complex story to tell. The Maastricht Convention Bureau aimed to get to the essence of this story: what can the meetings industry contribute, which SDGs are particularly relevant, and how do their local Maastricht partners address this? And, of course, what's the city's perspective on this?

The Maastricht Convention Bureau represents the most European city of the Netherlands, Maastricht. The CvB sought to explore the extent to which sustainability practices had been embraced by local entrepreneurs within the events sector, keeping an eye on global research trends in the meetings industry. Let's dive into the findings of the comprehensive study they conducted, complemented by an enlightening short video showcasing their local industry members' sustainable initiatives.

A Sustainable Revolution:

The study conducted by the Maastricht Convention Bureau delved deep into the sustainable initiatives undertaken by venues united within their local congress partner community. Through surveys and data analysis, the researchers uncovered a compelling correlation between their member base and the broader global meetings industry.

Surprisingly, a staggering 77% of the members were already familiar with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). So what was the Top 4 of SDGs they primarily focused on?

This alignment of highly ranked SDGs with global research by the Joint Meeting Industry Council highlights that sustainability isn't just a buzzword—it's a driving force behind meaningful change in the events industry.

Local Engagement for a Global Impact

But the study didn't stop there. It sought to explore the extent to which sustainability practices related to these SDGs had been embraced by local entrepreneurs within the events sector, keeping an eye on global trends in the meetings industry. A selected number of Green Key Gold venues were approached to contribute to a documentary video in order to showcase their Why, What and How regarding sustainability. They opened doors that normally remain closed and gave a glimpse behind the scenes, where it comes to local sourcing, waste management and community building. The convention bureau took a holistic approach in the video, involving not only local entrepreneurs but also engaging governmental bodies such as the Municipality of Maastricht.

This video has been launched in a global marketing campaign and has also been integrated in the bid books as well, in line with the principle of "Show, don't tell”

The CVB can now provide powerful answers to associations by showcasing their commitment to positive change. Their aim was to create a sense of purpose that goes beyond networking and knowledge sharing and to reach out with an ‘open invitation’ to actively engage in their local best practices. The CVB wants to inspire associations by using the SDGs in creating more purpose-driven events and in helping them to build a more positive brand image.

Witness the best sustainable practices in action through this captivating documentary. And most importantly, share them, be part of driving the sustainability agenda forward, because the events industry has the power to make a positive impact on the world, one event at a time. Together, we can create memorable experiences that are not only enjoyable but also sustainable.